Biography Anne Rosenvald Moore was born in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, which was first mentioned in historical records in 1154. The city is known for its charming old town, fine Gothic buildings, graceful church spires, and beautiful coastline. My father, Helmut Rosenvald, took this picture in beautiful Tallinn, Estonia, during my visit in 2007 My father: Eestis sündinud helilooja ja muusik Helmut(h) Rosenvald. My father's picture was taken by me, Anne Rosenvald Moore, during my visit in 2007 to beautiful Tallinn, Estonia These are my parents Helmut Rosenvald (1929-2020) and Linda-Luule Kollom (1928-2015) Mom added another first name, Luule, because she liked it better in everyday life. My parents got married in Estonia, and if I describe it in the Estonian language: Minu vanemate abielu sõlmiti 26. detsembril 1954.a. Tallinna Jaani kirikus. My parents, Helmut and Linda Rosenvald's final resting place is in Estonia: Pärnamäe cemetery/Pärnamäe kalmistul Helmut ja Linda Rosenvaldi nimeliste orelivilede annetused Tallinna Jaani kiriku orelite heaks This ExLibris has always been in our family photo albums, and it has guided my continued interest in reading books and learning about the world and its origins. The image of this ExLibris includes symbolism from various cultures, which has encouraged me to get an education in a foreign language and understand ideas from different cultures. EducationBachelor of Architecture, 1986